Modern Masters 

ONE NEW PAINTING..  Aleksey Savrasov 'When the Rooks come back'  (HERE)

Modern Masters

Another example of the insights gained into the life and practice of an artist is the Frida Kahlo illustrated in this section. Originally created on a photograph. the smudge in the upper right hand corner was originally a cathedral type building in the background, the ghost of which can only now be seen under certain conditions and the roof of a little building can also still be seen bobbing amid the waves. Little insights like that can bring the works to life. If whilst working I find interesting hidden additions I will always try to reproduce them within the miniature. 

It was a strange thing, during the painting of the yellow Van Gogh Sunflowers I really struggled to paint it, I felt as though my hand and mind was wading through treacle with every brush stroke and was really glad when I could finally lay the miniature to rest. I much preferred painting the turquoise Sunflowers, not because there were fewer flowers but because I could feel the love and completive serenity in them, they were so much easier to paint. The Yellow Sunflowers were jagged with hard violent brush stokes and sickly slicks of yellow green, it really felt as though I was playing witness to a violent internal argument. It is hardly surprising that the Yellow Sunflowers became incredibly famous and hugely expensive, the painting speaks of a tortured soul, the ravages of the impoverished and dishevelled artist racked with angst. It is after all a romantic notion in popular culture and the way that we as bystanders are encouraged to view this artist. I think that it is a real shame that we know the artist less for the sensitivity and contemplation he gave to his subjects through the beautifully colourful and textural style with which Van Gogh created his language of art. 

If there is a particular painting that your interested in but isn't on Etsy; I am quite happy to recreate the painting for you, there will always be differences between two paintings that are effectively the 'same' it is hand painted over many hours and as such it will possess it's own character, not to mention I like to add little 'artistic' touches to all of my work, that will always make them different.
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